Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Top Ten Tuesdays: Top Ten Jerks In Literature

So I thought it might be fun for us to participate in The Broke and The Bookish's Top Ten Tuesday.

Anyway, over at What She Read there was a distinction made that I like: the term "jerk" is a person with who's rude or mean to others OR who's unthinkingly self-absorbed & obtuse in a way that may even cause harm, but who's not truly evil.

Therefore, don't suggest typical villains. Just people that got into your craw and there were times when you thought you couldn't suffer through them one more page. Feel free to include ten or less. It seems they picked men in their listing but women can be jerks too so don't feel confined by gender.

For me it goes: (i numbered them, but they aren't ranked)

#1 REBECCA BLOOMWOOD ---> Shopaholic series. She goes beyond being innocently dumb and ditzy. She easily tosses the feelings of other's aside for her interest and deludes herself into thinking its for their own good, not hers.

#2 Edward Cullen ----> Twilight. yeah i love him, but i like jerks. he is rather obsessive, arrogant, and he has a very smart mouth which is exacerbated by the whole mind reading thing.

#3 Dudley Dursley ----> Harry Potter. Even when Harry saved his life, he was still an ass to him. Who treats their orphaned first cousin like that!?! Even after you find out he has magical powers!?

#4 Jenn Lancaster ---> Bitter is the new Black. I like her too. She is a self proclaimed jerk. But the way she talks to people...OMG. She could never be my friend

#5 Tip ---> Wench. He was Mawu's owner. just the thought of him makes my skin crawl.

#6 Hilly Holbrook ---> The Help.  if you read the book, you know why. words can't capture how much of a jerk she is...lol.