Friday, May 20, 2011

13 Little Blue Envelopes

So this book was featured as a Free Nook Friday book. I very much enjoyed it! It was a great adventure to follow although in some spots I wondered how realistic it was. There is just something about scavenger hunts that just get my blood pumping and adrenalin flowing! I have never traveled anywhere without a plan A, B, and C, so perhaps I've learned through this what living in the moment is all about. 

Keith was by far my favorite character. He is hilarious with his sarcasm. I'm glad Ginny made some long term friends on this trip and that she wasn't harmed. This definitely had the potential to go wrong at so many turns.

This book makes me want to take a similar jaunt across Europe. I think it would make a great movie and I'm looking forward to reading the next one!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How To Marry a Millionaire Vampire

I came across this book because it was featured as a Free Nook Friday book.

I LOVED this book. It was a bit predictable in places but the characters were extremely likable. The character development was very good and not very much was left to the imagination. While it really doesn't use profanity, there are 2.5 really steamy (and thoroughly detailed) sex scenes. Some components parallel the Twilight series. I like that the story switched from different character's point of view through out. The author pulled that off well. When authors do that, sometimes it makes a story disjointed and hard to follow, but she changed vantage points always at the right time would you find yourself thinking "i wonder what such in such feels about this".

The title is a bit misleading. I don't think the title in any way reflects what the book is about. Also, male lead's constant use of the phrase "God's blood" was so annoying! I get it was suppose to lead credence to his archaicness but it was overkill by the middle of the story.

It seems as if this will be a series. I will definitely catch the next one and I might try another one of her books as well to get more of a feel for her writing style.

Little Earthquakes

Finished reading this story on my flight to Honolulu from Atlanta. Took me a little longer than my usual time to read this one. It was a bit thick.

This is a great story of friendship! It is written in first person of one character then in 3rd person from the other three.

The added bonus of the pregnancy of each character will tug at your motherhood heart string or biological clock. I loved each character. They were very realistic and easy to identify with because they all came from so many different walks of life. 

It was not a predictable story in a lot of parts. My favorite character was Becky. I love the story of her and Andrew.  I don't see how she didn't see he was a mama's boy from much earlier on in their relationship.

I don't think their acceptance of Lia was realistic however. The way the story is set up with keeping the story of Lia a mystery until the middle definitely helps the reader feel more understanding of how she left California. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

2nds Challenge

As I've mentioned before, I LOVE series!! If I like an author, I always try to find another book of theirs to read to find out if I like them as a author, or did they just get lucky.

That being saying, the lovelies over at A Few More Pages are hosting a 2nds Challenge and it would only be a challenge if I signed up to participate for "A Full Plate". This coincides nicely with my own 50 Books in 2011 Challenge and commits 24% of my books to be by an author I've read before.

I'll update my progress as I go through the Challenge and hopefully I can remember to put reviews and not just list the books.

  1. Undead and Unemployed
  2. Bling
  3. Would I lie to you?: A Novel
  4. Real Vampires Live Large
  5. Spells
  6. Charmed & Ready
  7. The Mysterious Benedict Society and The Perilous Journey
  8. Such a Pretty Fat
  9. The Last Little Blue Envelope
  10. Seeing Me Naked
  11. Living Dead In Dallas
  12. Something Blue
  13. A Nicholas Sparks book (open to suggestions)

1st in a Series Challenge 2011


If they started a cult for those people who love to read series, I'm afraid my kool-aid cup would have to be a 40 ounce. To me, its the best way to keep a reading "to do" list especially if the story line is creative and intriguing.  

Well 2011 is sure to guarantee I get to delve into the lives of a cast of characters repetitively because A Few More Pages is throwing down the gauntlet to get book readers engaged in reading series.

I am a self-proclaimed Series Fanatic, so it is only fitting for me to rise to the challenge to earn my title by reading at least 20 books that are the 1st in a series. Between this challenge and the 2nds Challenge, I've already accounted for more than half of the books needed to complete my 50 Books in 2011 Challenge.

How amazing would it be for me to go from failing one challange in 2010, to successfully completing THREE in 2011. I'm so STOKED!

I'll chronicle my progress and feel free to give me some suggestions because I can't think of 20 Series all by myself!!

  1. Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
  2. Wings
  3. Undead and Unwed
  4. Nappily Ever After
  5. Real Vampires Have Curves
  6. Bitter is the New Black
  7. The Ivy
  8. Sloppy First
  9. The Alchemyst
  10. 13 Little Blue Envelopes
  11. Marked
  12. 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover
  13. Pandora Gets Jealous
  14. Dead Until Dark
  15. The Clique
  16. I Am Number Four
  17. The Hunger Games

Teaser Tuesdays: 1st Edition

Well, what better way to kick off our entrance to the BlogWorld than by participating in Teasers Tuesdays which is hosted by one of The Pretty Awesome Bloggers we follow: Should Be Reading

Here is how it works:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author in our comment section so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers
Our Teaser Tuesday contribution is:
"I've been called worse by better." 
"He's an impotent cross-dresser, and he wears a smaller size than I do"
~pg. 105, Little Earthquakess by Jennifer Weiner

We love books!

The blog world of avid book readers in so expansive and diverse, we thought we would throw our name in the pot!

Mainly we are all about book recommendations and reviews. Maybe we will end up throwing a contest or two once we get things rolling!

Happy Reading!


Top Ten Tuesdays: Top Ten Jerks In Literature

So I thought it might be fun for us to participate in The Broke and The Bookish's Top Ten Tuesday.

Anyway, over at What She Read there was a distinction made that I like: the term "jerk" is a person with who's rude or mean to others OR who's unthinkingly self-absorbed & obtuse in a way that may even cause harm, but who's not truly evil.

Therefore, don't suggest typical villains. Just people that got into your craw and there were times when you thought you couldn't suffer through them one more page. Feel free to include ten or less. It seems they picked men in their listing but women can be jerks too so don't feel confined by gender.

For me it goes: (i numbered them, but they aren't ranked)

#1 REBECCA BLOOMWOOD ---> Shopaholic series. She goes beyond being innocently dumb and ditzy. She easily tosses the feelings of other's aside for her interest and deludes herself into thinking its for their own good, not hers.

#2 Edward Cullen ----> Twilight. yeah i love him, but i like jerks. he is rather obsessive, arrogant, and he has a very smart mouth which is exacerbated by the whole mind reading thing.

#3 Dudley Dursley ----> Harry Potter. Even when Harry saved his life, he was still an ass to him. Who treats their orphaned first cousin like that!?! Even after you find out he has magical powers!?

#4 Jenn Lancaster ---> Bitter is the new Black. I like her too. She is a self proclaimed jerk. But the way she talks to people...OMG. She could never be my friend

#5 Tip ---> Wench. He was Mawu's owner. just the thought of him makes my skin crawl.

#6 Hilly Holbrook ---> The Help.  if you read the book, you know why. words can't capture how much of a jerk she