Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

As promised by pretty much every person I know that read this before me, this starts out VERRRRY slow, but around page 99 it picks up. Then after about another 100 pages it picks up faster. The crux of the story is in the last 100 pages and its a rollercoaster that you will have you on the edge of your seat wishing you knew how to speed read.

I'm not big into mysterys, but I had to know why this series stays on the best seller list. I haven't seen the film and I prefer to read all three books before I check them out.

Lisbeth is so intriguing. I see why so many people are drawn to her. I will say the way her relationship with Mikael Blomkvist evolved totally caught me off guard. She is hard to read even when you have privy to so many of her thoughts as a reader.

The relationship between Blomkvist and Erika Berger is so uncomplicated that is causes confusion. Do people really function like this? Her having an open marriage because of him, and him having no marriage because of her, but yet they won't marry each other!? Baffling....

Anyway, I do plan to read the next in the series, but it isn't high on my priority list so I may not get to it until 2012.

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